README.TXT README file for Clip Filer. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Clip Filer is a Clipboard Text Database Tool. It appears to the user as a small, moveable ToolBar which stays on top of all other windows. The controls allow the user to select Clip Filer Database files, move selected text from the database to the Clipboard, move current text from the Clipboard to the database, enter text via the keyboard to be written to the database, and activate a full Help system. VERSION INFORMATION This is the BETA version of Clip Filer. Formally, this version is known as CLIP FILER VER 0.9B SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Clip Filer is a Windows 3.x application. It has been tested on both Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups 3.11. Any computer capable of running these systems can run Clip Filer. DISTRIBUTION FILES The distribution package for this version of Clip Filer consists of either one floppy disk (3 1/2 or 5 1/4 HD) or the compressed file CLPFL09B.ZIP. These contain the following files: CLIPFILE.EX_ Application executable - Compressed. CLIPFILE.HL_ Application Help file - Compressed. INSTALL.EXE Standard install executeable. INSTALL.INF Install information file. BWCC.DL_ Borland Custom Controls DLL - Compressed README.TXT Read Me file containing basic information and installation instructions. INSTALLATION PROCEDURES If you have the distribution version CLPFL09B.ZIP, you must first decompress the program using PKUNZIP. The file was created using PKZIP, version 2.04G. You may either create a temporary directory on your system's hard drive and unzip the file into it, or you may use a diskette (High Density) to create an install diskette. Once the files are available in the "unzipped" form, use either the File Manager or the Program Manager (File|Run) to locate and run the INSTALL.EXE program. You may select the destination directory, although one is suggested. The Install program will create the directory, if necessary, decompress and copy files into place, create a Program Manager Group and Program Icon. COPYRIGHT NOTICE This Application, consisting of the files listed in the Distribution Files section are copyrighted effective December 1994 by the author, Henry H. Cumbie, Jr. Some of the files listed are copyrighted by other authors and/or companies and have been properly liscenced by the author from the holders of said copyrights. The author reserves all rights to this property. DISTRIBUTION STATUS This version of Clip Filer is being distributed as FREEWARE by the author. You may posess, use, copy, and distribute this version freely, under the following conditions. You may not sell this product. Activities such as bulletin boards, on-line services, shareware distributors, and Internet FTP sites may distribute this product without further permission from the author. Such activities may charge nominal monetary fees for the distribution of this product, as is their normal and accepted practice. The product must be distributed intact, as described in the Distribution Files section of this file. REGISTRATION Registration of this version of Clip Filer is NOT required. COMMUNICATING WITH THE AUTHOR The author (Henry , call me Herb, Cumbie) may be reached by Internet E-Mail. The address is: BUG REPORTS AND SUGGESTIONS Send any bug reports, comments, and suggestions to the author at the E-Mail address shown above. Your constructive support will help me make the next version a better product.